Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Improve Your Chances of Conversion with Marketing Automation for B2C

What do you reckon is the experience of visitors on your business website? Have they been getting across to your customer service with ease or have they been slipping out trying to do that? For a lot of businesses that don’t have the right marketing automation for B2C, it has been a case of missed opportunities where customers are slipping out after realizing that they are being taken for a click-ride across pages they don’t want to be in. Over time, this can adversely impact the website.

Offer customers multiple ways of communicating effectively with you 

Merely offering an interaction mechanism like customer service isn’t enough if it’s not effective, or worse, unreachable within the normal span of a visitor’s patience. Keep abreast of the user metrics to know the threshold of a website visitor’s patience in your niche – it can’t be more than a few seconds on average. If you have quality B2C marketing automation integrated into your site, you’ll have the options to grab your prospect in these few seconds.

Good automation technology increases the efficiency of the multiple contact points you offer to your customer. Options like click-to-call, chat and email are what will get your customer to try and make contact. Don’t be content to offer these options to him one after the other because you don’t know how well he’s disposed to each of these. Your best chance lies in combining all these options and getting him to make a choice. It’s almost like an offer he can’t refuse.

Make one last offer while your customer is slipping out 

You need to appreciate that, as per most user metrics, visitors don’t spend more than a few seconds on the landing page and move on if they don’t find what they’re looking for. There could be many reasons for this, viz. loss of interest, distractions or other priorities. Good marketing automation for B2C will help you make speedy adjustments to your offers and present them to the customer even as he’s leaving your page. It will do so on the basis of vital information about the visitor if he has visited your site before. Such information could be the location of the visitor, the device he is using or even the trail of the places on your site that he explored. 


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