Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Which Marketing Automation Software Platform is Best for You?

As your marketing strategy matures or expands, automating some of the marketing tasks is a good decision.  Your team can devote more time to creative work while leaving the data gathering and processing to a marketing automationsoftware platform.  But how do you decide which platform would work best for your business?

Analyze Your Needs

Get a clear understanding of your current marketing needs and what your requirements will be over the next 3 to 5 years.  Some of the items to review in your analysis can include:

·         What takes the most time?  Take a look at all of the processes that your team performs and identify the one that consumes the most time.  Is it entering new leads?  Social media posts?  Email processing?  Make sure that your marketing automation platform can help reduce the time on this process.

·         Which tasks provide the most benefit?  Can you determine if a particular task yields good ROI, and if automated could be even better?  Make sure this item is also addressed in your marketing automation software.

·         What are your marketing goals?  Do you wish to increase web site visitors?  Generate more leads?  Improve conversion rates?  Stay focused on your key strategic goals and make sure your choice can help you to achieve those goals.

Functional Capabilities for Now and the Future

The best marketing automation software platform will not just have  good core functionality but will also have the ability to integrate and provide best practices to boost your results.  Some of the capabilities should include:

·         Lead Generation – several key tools should help to generate leads for your business.  These tools should include strong SEO analysis as well as gathering as much information about visitors as possible. For example, partial data such as an email address and geographic area can help you to get more insight into a visitor so that you can entice them to make a purchase.

·         Contact Management – the information for contacts can come from multiple sources such as customer information, email subscriptions, web site visits, affiliate microsites, social media and more.  Make sure your software can handle this information and organize it to be effective.

·         Web Page Updates – many businesses choose to have multiple web pages to target different audiences.  There can be brand sites, affiliate microsites, and promotional pages that are part of your marketing campaign.  Your automation software should help you to make multiple updates to all of your pages based on your marketing needs.  For example if you want to launch a special promotion across multiple pages, your automation software should help you to execute quickly and effectively.

·         Customer-Centric Features – improving the customer experience should be a top priority for any marketing organization.  Leveraging tools such as click to chat, call or email can give customers the options that they prefer, which will enhance their experience and encourage better conversion rates.

·         Data-Based-Decisions – the best marketing automation software platform will have the ability to help you make solid decisions by using the data available.  Information such as which pages have the best conversion rates, what pages cause the most bounces, and other key information will guide you to improve your online marketing results.

Like No Other

The Fyoosion solution is a fully integrated marketing platform that is designed specifically for marketing professionals.  The intuitive interface makes it easy to use, while the sophisticated algorithms and seamless integration provides the best-in-class marketing tools.  Test and deploy changes to multiple web pages in minutes instead of hours.  Analyze the effectiveness of your affiliate microsite platform.  Increase leads through strong content creation and SEO tuning.  Fyoosion can take your marketing to the next level of performance.


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