Each year, businesses spend tens of billions of dollars on online advertising, attracting plenty of eyeballs to their products and services. But unless you have an effective strategy to capture and convert those eyeballs into something meaningful, such as revenue, that ad spend can be a black hole to the bottom line.
Abhishek Jain, CEO of Fyoosion, LLC, specializes in helping start-ups and small companies maximize their ad dollars effectively. The Fyoosion platform is focused on analyzing data to maximize and optimize the conversion rates for their clients. equities.com spoke with Mr. Jain to learn more about his process and to get his thoughts on the marketplace today.
Abhishek Jain, CEO of Fyoosion, LLC, specializes in helping start-ups and small companies maximize their ad dollars effectively. The Fyoosion platform is focused on analyzing data to maximize and optimize the conversion rates for their clients. equities.com spoke with Mr. Jain to learn more about his process and to get his thoughts on the marketplace today.
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